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Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr Karen Anderson

Dr Karen Anderson

Professor in Remote Sensing

 01326 371854

 Environment and Sustainability Institute 1.38


Environment and Sustainability Institute, University of Exeter, Penryn Campus, Penryn, Cornwall, TR10 9FE, UK


Current research: I work with spatial data captured by satellites, airplanes and drones to understand ecosystem processes, particularly flows and stores of carbon and water. I work predominantly in non-forest systems where vegetation pattern and volumetric structure provides a useful proxy for function. 

Expertise: My PhD was focused on developing proximal sensing and spectroradiometric approaches for calibrating and validating coarser-grained remote sensing (RS) data through which I gained a deep critical understanding of the physical aspects of RS. My research now addresses questions about the relationships between spatial pattern, volumetric structure and ecosystem function in vegetated systems using RS observations, in situ data and spatial modelling. I work extensively with RS data of all types, from satellite observations to airborne and terrestrial laser scanning, and spectroscopy. With my DroneLab research group, I have pioneered the use of lightweight drones for spatial ecological research, with a particular focus on spatial modelling of vegetation structure in wetland, grass and shrub ecosystems. I have undertaken a range of practical research developing drone sensing methodologies, the latter which has led to me producing the first spatial estimates of shrub biomass in drylands using drone-based SfM photogrammetry methods.

Supervision: I currently manage a team comprising postdoctoral, doctoral and MbyRes researchers. I have supervised 7 PhD students to successful completion, all of whom have published peer-reviewed papers during their research projects.

I a geographer and I work also within the Geography Department in the College of Life and Environmental Sciences.

You can find my Google Scholar account here.

My personal webpages can be accessed here.

I'm on twitter @KAnderson_RS

You can find out more by watching a two-minute video of me explaining my work.


2005 PhD Geography (University of Southampton)
1999 BSc Environmental Science (University of Southampton, First Class Hons)


2016 Associate Professor, University of Exeter
2010 Senior Lecturer, University of Exeter 
2004-2010 Lecturer, University of Exeter 
2000-2002 Manager of the NERC Equipment Pool for Field Spectroscopy, University of Southampton
2000-2002 Remote sensing consultancy, GeoData Institute


Research group links

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Research interests

  • Remote and proximal sensing
  • Laser scanning and waveform LiDAR
  • Field spectroscopy
  • Drone sensing
  • Structure-from-motion photogrammetry
  • Eco-hydrology
  • Vegetation structure
  • Mountain hydrology
  • Ecosystem services

Further information can be found on my personal webpages.

Research projects

Current major research projects:

  • NERC DRIVING-C - Do dryland ecosystems control variability and recent trends of the land carbon dioxide sink?
  • NERC ICAAP - Increasing C accumulation in Arctic Peatlands.
  • ESIF Agritech "ClimateHub" Project - modeling microclimate using spatial and volumetric approaches to improve understanding of crop pests and diseases.
  • EU Marie Curie International Training Network - 'TRUSTEE' - Innovative proximal sensing solutions for vegetation biophysical characterisation
  • Exmoor and Dartmoor Mires Restoration Project - remote sensing monitoring for the 'upstream thinking' programme. In collaboration with South West Water.
  • NERC-SWEEP - Project 003 - Leak detection using remote sensing, landscape indicators and proxies.
  • EU cost Action ESI309 - 'OPTIMISE' - Innovative optical tools for proximal sensing of ecophysiological processes

Full list of research grants to date:

  • 2017 NERC - £800K – DRIVING-C Do dryland ecosystems control variability and recent trends in the land CO2 sink? (Co-I leading shrub survey RS work package)
  • 2017 NERC SWEEP-leak - £82K - developing RS-based operational solutions to leak detection (Co-PI)
  • 2017 Internal funding - £1K - collaboration with UK Met Office for aerosol monitoring from drones (Co-I)
  • 2016 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network - Total: €3M; €275 K to University of Exeter - “TRuSTEE” Training on Remote Sensing for Ecosystem modelling – proximal sensing solutions for vegetation biophysical characterization: I am leading a drone methodology work package (Co-I).
  • 2016 European Space Agency - £30K - AO/1-8536/15/NL/FF/ - Scientific Assessment of Satellite Ocean Glitter (SArONG; Co-I)
  • 2016 EU COST Action Optimise - £3.1K - training course on ‘safe operations for drone RS’ (PI)
  • 2016 South West Water Consultancy Project £2.5K - Drone operations, survey assistance (PI)
  • 2016 Dartmoor Consultancy Project  - £20K - Remote sensing peatlands (Co-I)
  • 2015 NERC PhD studentship to Darren Jones (Himalayan rock glaciers and RS; Co-PI)
  • 2015 South West Water - £600K – Mires on the moor upland monitoring (Co-I)
  • 2015 NERC Impact Accelerator - £12K – Remote sensing with Westcountry Rivers Trust (PI)
  • 2015 European Social Fund - £10K – Development of a mobile ‘map app’ for RS from drones (PI)
  • 2015 UK ICURE- £35K – National funding for innovation/commercialisation of DroneLab (PI)
  • 2015 South West Water - £2.8K – Thermal imaging leak detection pilot project (PI)
  • 2015 Devon Wildlife Trust - £40K – Beaver reintroduction monitoring project (Co-I)
  • 2014 NERC PhD studentship to James Duffy (coastal monitoring from low-cost drones; Co-I)
  • 2013 EU COST Action - €300K - ES1309 ‘Optimise’ Innovative optical tools for proximal sensing of ecophysiological processes (Co-I)
  • 2013 DEFRA - £600K – Developing a cost effective framework for soil erosion (Co-I)
  • 2012 NERC - £2.2M – Urban biodiversity, functions and flows (Co-I leading LiDAR work package)
  • 2012 Devon Wildlife Trust - £80K - Culm grassland monitoring project (minor role as Co-I)
  • 2010 European Social Fund PhD studentship to Amy Nettley (coasts, LiDAR, visualisation; Co-I)
  • 2010 DEFRA - £120K - DEFRA soil erosion pilot study (Co-I leading RS work package)
  • 2008 NERC - £120K – Remote sensing peatland responses to hydrological change (PI)
  • 2010 South West Water and NERC - £300K - Moorland restoration (Co-I)
  • 2010 South West Water £25K – Evaluating LiDAR and thermal imaging for upland survey (PI)
  • 2009 EU COST Action - €300K - ES0903 ‘GroundSpec’ Spectral sampling tools for vegetation Biophysical Parameters and Flux measurements in Europe (Co-I)
  • 2008 Winston Churchill Memorial Trust (~£10K) - Travelling Fellowship to NASA Ames (PI)

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Journal articles

Anderson K, Croft H, Milton EJM, Kuhn N (In Press). A simple spectro-goniometer for collection of multiple view angle reflectance factor data. Remote Sensing Letters
Varela MR, Patricio AR, Anderson K, Broderick AC, DeBell L, Hawkes LA, Tilley D, Snape R, Westoby MJ, Godley BJ, et al (In Press). Assessing climate change associated sea level rise impacts on sea turtle nesting beaches using drones, photogrammetry and a novel GPS system. Global Change Biology
Wilkinson R, Mleczko M, Brewin RJ, Gaston KJ, Mueller M, Shutler J, Yan X, Anderson K (In Press). Environmental impacts of Earth observation data in the constellation and cloud computing era. Science of the Total Environment Abstract.
Leng R, Harrison S, Anderson K (In Press). Himalayan alpine ecohydrology: an urgent scientific concern in a changing climate. AMBIO: a Journal of the Human Environment
Cunliffe A, Anderson K (In Press). Measuring Above-ground Biomass with Drone Photogrammetry: Data Collection Protocol. Nature Protocol Exchange
Cox D, Bennie J, Casalegno S, Hudson HL, Anderson K, Gaston KJ (In Press). Skewed contributions of individual trees to indirect nature experiences. Landscape and Urban Planning
Fawcett D, Benjamin A, Hill T, Khoon L, Bennie JJ, Anderson K (In Press). Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) derived structure-from-motion photogrammetry point clouds for oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) canopy segmentation and height estimation. International Journal of Remote Sensing
Anderson K, Hancock S, Casalegno S, Griffiths A, Griffiths D, Sargent F, Macallum J, Cox DTC, Gaston KJ (In Press). Visualising the urban green volume: Exploring LiDAR voxels with tangible technologies and virtual models. Landscape and Urban Planning Abstract.
Leng R, Harrison S, Byers EA, Magar M, Rai H, Raj Rijal R, Anderson K (2024). Alpine vegetation community patterns in the Khumbu region, Nepalese Himalaya. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 56(1).
Quincey L, Anderson K, Reynolds DJ, Harrison S (2024). Summer snowline altitude gradients in Western Norway are influenced by maritime climate. GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER SERIES A-PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY  Author URL.
Anderson K, Brewin RJW, Mleczko MM, Mueller M, Shutler JD, Wilkinson R, Yan X, Gaston KJ (2024). The dark side of Earth observation. Nature Sustainability, 7(3), 224-227.
Anderson K, Tooth S, Kim D, Resler LM, Schillereff D, Williams JW, Rocchini D, Ponette-González AG, Kuhn NJ, Brian JV, et al (2023). A horizon scan for novel and impactful areas of physical geography research in 2023 and beyond. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment, 48(1), 3-23. Abstract.
Bateman IJ, Anderson K, Argles A, Belcher C, Betts RA, Binner A, Brazier RE, Cho FHT, Collins RM, Day BH, et al (2023). A review of planting principles to identify the right place for the right tree for ‘net zero plus’ woodlands: Applying a place-based natural capital framework for sustainable, efficient and equitable (SEE) decisions. People and Nature, 5(2), 271-301. Abstract.
Gaston KJ, Anderson K, Shutler JD, Brewin RJW, Yan X (2023). Environmental impacts of increasing numbers of artificial space objects. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 21(6), 289-296. Abstract.
Anderson K, Shabaga BM, Wich S, Fink G, Barczyk M, Hodgson J, Chabot D (2023). New topic horizons for drone systems and applications. Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems (JUVS), 11, 1-7.
Slade G, Fawcett D, Cunliffe AM, Brazier RE, Nyaupane K, Mauritz M, Vargas S, Anderson K (2023). Optical reflectance across spatial scales—an intercomparison of transect-based hyperspectral, drone, and satellite reflectance data for dry season rangeland. Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems (JUVS), 11, 1-20.
Gatis N, Benaud P, Anderson K, Ashe J, Grand-Clement E, Luscombe DJ, Puttock A, Brazier RE (2023). Peatland restoration increases water storage and attenuates downstream stormflow but does not guarantee an immediate reversal of long-term ecohydrological degradation. Sci Rep, 13(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Luscombe DJ, Gatis N, Anderson K, Carless D, Brazier RE (2023). Rapid, repeatable landscape-scale mapping of tree, hedgerow, and woodland habitats (THaW), using airborne LiDAR and spaceborne SAR data. Ecol Evol, 13(5). Abstract.  Author URL.
Benaud P, Anderson K, James MR, Quine TA, Quinton JN, Brazier RE (2023). Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry and Rare Earth Oxides can quantify diffuse and convergent soil loss and source apportionment. International Soil and Water Conservation Research, 11(4), 633-648.
Gatis N, Carless D, Luscombe DJ, Brazier RE, Anderson K (2022). An operational land cover and land cover change toolbox: processing open-source data with open-source software. Ecological Solutions and Evidence (vol 3, e12162, 2022). ECOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS AND EVIDENCE, 3(3).  Author URL.
Gatis N, Carless D, Luscombe DJ, Brazier RE, Anderson K (2022). An operational land cover and land cover change toolbox: processing open‐source data with open‐source software. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3(3). Abstract.
Fawcett D, Cunliffe AM, Sitch S, O’Sullivan M, Anderson K, Brazier RE, Hill TC, Anthoni P, Arneth A, Arora VK, et al (2022). Assessing Model Predictions of Carbon Dynamics in Global Drylands. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10 Abstract.
Graham HA, Puttock AK, Elliott M, Anderson K, Brazier RE (2022). Exploring the dynamics of flow attenuation at a beaver dam sequence. Hydrological Processes, 36(11).
Cunliffe AM, Anderson K, Boschetti F, Brazier RE, Graham HA, Myers-Smith IH, Astor T, Boer MM, Calvo LG, Clark PE, et al (2022). Global application of an unoccupied aerial vehicle photogrammetry protocol for predicting aboveground biomass in non-forest ecosystems. REMOTE SENSING IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, 8(1), 57-71.  Author URL.
Watts J, Bell TG, Anderson K, Butterworth BJ, Miller S, Else B, Shutler J (2022). Impact of sea ice on air-sea CO2 exchange – a critical review of polar eddy covariance studies. Progress in Oceanography, 201, 102741-102741.
Harrison S, Rowan AV, Dye AR, Plummer MA, Anderson K (2022). Late Holocene glaciers in western Scotland?. GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER SERIES A-PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, 104(2), 57-69.  Author URL.
Graham HA, Puttock A, Chant J, Elliott M, Campbell‐Palmer R, Anderson K, Brazier RE (2022). Monitoring, modelling and managing beaver (Castor fiber) populations in the River Otter catchment, Great Britain. Ecological Solutions and Evidence, 3(3).
Gonzales D, Hempel De Ibarra N, Anderson K (2022). Remote sensing of floral resources for pollinators - new horizons from satellites to drones. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 869751-869751. Abstract.
Crichton KA, Anderson K, Charman DJ, Gallego-Sala A (2022). Seasonal climate drivers of peak NDVI in a series of Arctic peatlands. Sci Total Environ, 838(Pt 3). Abstract.  Author URL.
Cunliffe AM, Boschetti F, Clement R, Sitch S, Anderson K, Duman T, Zhu S, Schlumpf M, Litvak ME, Brazier RE, et al (2022). Strong Correspondence in Evapotranspiration and Carbon Dioxide Fluxes Between Different Eddy Covariance Systems Enables Quantification of Landscape Heterogeneity in Dryland Fluxes. Journal of Geophysical Research Biogeosciences, 127(8).
Chabot D, Hodgson AJ, Hodgson JC, Anderson K (2022). ‘Drone’: technically correct, popularly accepted, socially acceptable. Drone Systems and Applications, 10(1), 399-405.
Jones DB, Harrison S, Anderson K, Betts RA (2021). Author Correction: Mountain rock glaciers contain globally significant water stores. Sci Rep, 11(1).  Author URL.
Jones DB, Harrison S, Anderson K, Betts RA (2021). Author Correction: Mountain rock glaciers contain globally significant water stores. Sci Rep, 11(1).  Author URL.
Liu Z, Osborne M, Anderson K, Shutler JD, Wilson A, Langridge J, Yim SHL, Coe H, Babu S, Satheesh SK, et al (2021). Characterizing the performance of a POPS miniaturized optical particle counter when operated on a quadcopter drone. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14(9), 6101-6118. Abstract.
Ellis N, Brazier R, Anderson K (2021). Comparing fine‐scale structural and hydrologic connectivity within unimproved and improved grassland. Ecohydrology, 14(7). Abstract.
Duffy JP, Anderson K, Fawcett D, Curtis RJ, Maclean IMD (2021). Drones provide spatial and volumetric data to deliver new insights into microclimate modelling. Landscape Ecology, 36(3), 685-702. Abstract.
Harrison S, Jones D, Anderson K, Shannon S, Betts RA (2021). Is ice in the Himalayas more resilient to climate change than we thought?. GEOGRAFISKA ANNALER SERIES A-PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, 103(1), 1-7.  Author URL.
Ellis N, Anderson K, Brazier R (2021). Mainstreaming natural flood management: a proposed research framework derived from a critical evaluation of current knowledge. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment, 45(6), 819-841. Abstract.
Fawcett D, Bennie J, Anderson K (2021). Monitoring spring phenology of individual tree crowns using drone-acquired NDVI data. REMOTE SENSING IN ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION, 7(2), 227-244.  Author URL.
Joyce KE, Anderson K, Bartolo RE (2021). Of Course We Fly Unmanned—We’re Women!. Drones, 5(1), 21-21. Abstract.
Anderson K, Aplin P, Curran P, Dash J, Harris A, Rollin L, Shears J, Smith G, Wilson R (2021). Reflections on the scientific life and legacy of Professor Ted Milton (10 April 1954-8 June 2021). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 42(22), 8433-8439.  Author URL.
Jones DB, Harrison S, Anderson K, Shannon S, Betts RA (2021). Rock glaciers represent hidden water stores in the Himalaya. Science of the Total Environment, 793, 145368-145368.
Migliavacca M, Musavi T, Mahecha MD, Nelson JA, Knauer J, Baldocchi DD, Perez-Priego O, Christiansen R, Peters J, Anderson K, et al (2021). The three major axes of terrestrial ecosystem function. Nature, 598(7881), 468-472. Abstract.  Author URL.
Cunliffe AM, McIntire CD, Boschetti F, Sauer KJ, Litvak M, Anderson K, Brazier RE (2020). Allometric Relationships for Predicting Aboveground Biomass and Sapwood Area of Oneseed Juniper (Juniperus monosperma) Trees. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11 Abstract.  Author URL.
Gatis N, Luscombe DJ, Benaud P, Ashe J, Grand-Clement E, Anderson K, Hartley IP, Brazier RE (2020). Drain blocking has limited short-term effects on greenhouse gas fluxes in a Molinia caerulea dominated shallow peatland. Ecological Engineering, 158, 106079-106079.
Cunliffe AM, Anderson K, Boschetti F, Brazier RE, Graham HA, Myers-Smith IH, Astor T, Boer MM, Calvo L, Clark PE, et al (2020). Drone-derived canopy height predicts biomass across non-forest ecosystems globally. Abstract.
Graham HA, Puttock A, Macfarlane WW, Wheaton JM, Gilbert JT, Campbell-Palmer R, Elliott M, Gaywood MJ, Anderson K, Brazier RE, et al (2020). Modelling Eurasian beaver foraging habitat and dam suitability, for predicting the location and number of dams throughout catchments in Great Britain. European Journal of Wildlife Research, 66(3). Abstract.
Fawcett D, Panigada C, Tagliabue G, Boschetti M, Celesti M, Evdokimov A, Biriukova K, Colombo R, Miglietta F, Rascher U, et al (2020). Multi-Scale Evaluation of Drone-Based Multispectral Surface Reflectance and Vegetation Indices in Operational Conditions. Remote Sensing, 12(3), 514-514. Abstract.
Benaud P, Anderson K, Evans M, Farrow L, Glendell M, James MR, Quine TA, Quinton JN, Rawlins B, Jane Rickson R, et al (2020). National-scale geodata describe widespread accelerated soil erosion. Geoderma, 371 Abstract.
Bütikofer L, Anderson K, Bebber DP, Bennie JJ, Early RI, Maclean IMD (2020). The problem of scale in predicting biological responses to climate. Global Change Biology, 26(12), 6657-6666. Abstract.
Anderson K, Fawcett D, Cugulliere A, Benford S, Jones D, Leng R (2020). Vegetation expansion in the subnival Hindu Kush Himalaya. Global Change Biology, 26(3), 1608-1625. Abstract.
Gatis N, Benaud P, Ashe J, Luscombe D, Grand-Clement E, Hartley I, Anderson K, Brazier R (2019). ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF PEAT EROSION ON GROWING SEASON CO2 FLUXES BY COMPARING EROSIONAL PEAT PANS AND SURROUNDING VEGETATED HAGGS. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 1-19. Abstract.
Gatis N, Grand-Clement E, Luscombe DJ, Hartley IP, Anderson K, Brazier RE (2019). Growing season CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes from a drained peatland dominated by <i>Molinia caerulea</i>. MIRES AND PEAT, 24  Author URL.
Anderson K, James M, Westoby M (2019). Low-budget topographic surveying comes of age: Structure from motion photogrammetry in geography and the geosciences. Progress in Physical Geography, 43, 163-173.
Carless D, Luscombe DJ, Gatis N, Anderson K, Brazier RE (2019). Mapping landscape-scale peatland degradation using airborne lidar and multispectral data. Landscape Ecology, 34, 1329-1345.
Jones DB, Harrison S, Anderson K (2019). Mountain glacier-to-rock glacier transition. Global and Planetary Change, 181 Abstract.
Jones D, Harrison S, Anderson K, Whalley WB (2019). Rock glaciers and mountain hydrology: a review. Earth-Science Reviews, 193
Forsmoo J, Anderson K, Macleod CJA, Wilkinson ME, DeBell L, Brazier RE (2019). Structure from motion photogrammetry in ecology: Does the choice of software matter?. Ecology and Evolution, 9(23), 12964-12979. Abstract.
Kosanic A, Anderson K, Harrison S, Turkington T, Bennie J (2018). Changes in the geographical distribution of plant species and climatic variables on the West Cornwall peninsula (South West UK). PLoS One, 13(2). Abstract.  Author URL.
Cox DTC, Hudson HL, Plummer KE, Siriwardena GM, Anderson K, Hancock S, Devine-Wright P, Gaston KJ (2018). Covariation in urban birds providing cultural services or disservices and people. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(5), 2308-2319. Abstract.
Garrett B, Anderson K (2018). Drone Methodologies: taking flight in human and physical geography. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers Abstract.
Forsmoo J, Anderson K, Macleod CJA, Wilkinson ME, Brazier R (2018). Drone-based structure-from-motion photogrammetry captures grassland sward height variability. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55(6), 2587-2599. Abstract.
Gatis N, Luscombe D, Carless D, Parry L, Fyfe R, Harrod T, Brazier RE, Anderson K (2018). Mapping upland peat depth using airborne radiometric and lidar survey data. Geoderma, 335, 78-89. Abstract.
Jones DB, Harrison S, Anderson K, Betts RA (2018). Mountain rock glaciers contain globally significant water stores. Sci Rep, 8(1). Abstract.  Author URL.
Duffy JP, Pratt L, Anderson K, Land PE, Shutler JD (2018). Spatial assessment of intertidal seagrass meadows using optical imaging systems and a lightweight drone. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 200, 169-180.
Duffy J, Shutler J, Witt M, DeBell L, Anderson K (2018). Tracking fine-scale structural changes in coastal dune morphology using kite aerial photography and uncertainty-assessed Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry. Remote Sensing Abstract.
Cunliffe A, Anderson K, Duffy JP, DeBell L (2017). A UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)-approved operations manual for safe deployment of lightweight drones in research. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1-8.
Cox DTC, Shanahan DF, Hudson HL, Plummer KE, Siriwardena GM, Fuller RA, Anderson K, Hancock S, Gaston KJ (2017). Doses of Neighborhood Nature: the Benefits for Mental Health of Living with Nature. BIOSCIENCE, 67(2), 147-155.  Author URL.
Cox DTC, Shanahan DF, Hudson HL, Fuller RA, Anderson K, Hancock S, Gaston KJ (2017). Doses of nearby nature simultaneously associated with multiple health benefits. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14(2). Abstract.
Casalegno S, Anderson K, Cox DTC, Hancock S, Gaston KJ (2017). Ecological connectivity in the three-dimensional urban green volume using waveform airborne lidar. Scientific Reports, 7 Abstract.
Gatis N, Anderson K, Grand-Clement E, Luscombe DJ, Hartley IP, Smith D, Brazier RE (2017). Evaluating MODIS vegetation products using digital images for quantifying local peatland CO<inf>2</inf> gas fluxes. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 3(4), 217-231. Abstract.
Casalegno S, Anderson K, Hancock S, Gaston KJ (2017). Improving models of urban greenspace: from vegetation surface cover to volumetric survey, using waveform laser scanning. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8(11), 1443-1452. Abstract.
Duffy J, Cunliffe A, DeBell L, Sandbrook C, Wich S, Shutler JD, Myers-Smith IH, Varela MR, Anderson K (2017). Location, location, location: Considerations when using lightweight drones in challenging environments. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation
Hancock S, Anderson K, Disney M, Gaston KJ (2017). Measurement of fine-spatial-resolution 3D vegetation structure with airborne waveform lidar: Calibration and validation with voxelised terrestrial lidar. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 188, 37-50.  Author URL.
Mlambo R, Woodhouse I, Gerard F, Anderson K (2017). Structure from Motion (SfM) Photogrammetry with Drone Data: a Low Cost Method for Monitoring Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Forests in Developing Countries. Forests, 68, 1-20.
Glendell M, McShane G, Farrow L, James MR, Quinton J, Anderson K, Evans M, Benaud P, Rawlins B, Morgan D, et al (2017). Testing the utility of structure-from-motion photogrammetry reconstructions using small unmanned aerial vehicles and ground photography to estimate the extent of upland soil erosion. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42(12), 1860-1871. Abstract.
Jones D, Harrison S, Anderson K, Selley H, Wood J, Betts R (2017). The distribution and hydrological significance of rock glaciers in the Nepalese Himalaya. Global and Planetary Change
Shanahan DF, Cox DTC, Fuller RA, Hancock S, Lin BB, Anderson K, Bush R, Gaston KJ (2017). Variation in experiences of nature across gradients of tree cover in compact and sprawling cities. Landscape and Urban Planning, 157, 231-238. Abstract.
Duffy JP, Anderson K (2016). A 21st-century renaissance of kites as platforms for proximal sensing (Reprinted). PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, 40(2), 352-361.  Author URL.
Anderson K, Griffiths D, DeBell L, Hancock S, Duffy JP, Shutler JD, Reinhardt WJ, Griffiths A (2016). A Grassroots Remote Sensing Toolkit Using Live Coding, Smartphones, Kites and Lightweight Drones. PloS one, 11(5). Abstract.
Rangecroft S, Suggitt AJ, Anderson K, Harrison S (2016). Future climate warming and changes to mountain permafrost in the Bolivian Andes. Climatic Change, 137(1-2), 231-243. Abstract.
Luscombe DJ, Anderson K, Grand-Clement E, Gatis N, Ashe J, Benaud P, Smith D, Brazier RE (2016). How does drainage alter the hydrology of shallow degraded peatlands across multiple spatial scales?. Journal of Hydrology, 541, 1329-1339. Abstract.
Anderson K (2016). Integrating multiple scales of remote sensing measurement - from satellites to kites. PROGRESS IN PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-EARTH AND ENVIRONMENT, 40(2), 187-195.  Author URL.
Cox DTC, Inger R, Hancock S, Anderson K, Gaston KJ (2016). Movement of feeder-using songbirds: the influence of urban features. Scientific Reports, 6 Abstract.
Gatis N, Luscombe DJ, Grand-Clement E, Hartley IP, Anderson K, Smith D, Brazier RE (2016). The effect of drainage ditches on vegetation diversity and CO<inf>2</inf> fluxes in a Molinia caerulea-dominated peatland. Ecohydrology, 9(3), 407-420. Abstract.
Sedano F, Silva JA, Machoco R, Meque CH, Sitoe A, Ribeiro N, Anderson K, Ombe ZA, Baule SH, Tucker CJ, et al (2016). The impact of charcoal production on forest degradation: a case study in Tete, Mozambique. Environmental Research Letters, 11(9). Abstract.
Cunliffe A, Brazier RE, Anderson K (2016). Ultra-fine grain landscape-scale quantification of dryland vegetation structure with drone-acquired structure-from-motion photogrammetry. Remote Sensing of Environment, 183, 129-143. Abstract.
Puttock A, Cunliffe AM, Anderson K, Brazier RE (2015). Aerial photography collected with a multirotor drone reveals impact of Eurasian beaver reintroduction on ecosystem structure. Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems  Author URL.
Porcar-Castell A, Mac Arthur A, Rossini M, Eklundh L, Pacheco-Labrador J, Anderson K, Balzarolo M, Martin MP, Jin H, Tomelleri E, et al (2015). EUROSPEC: at the interface between remote-sensing and ecosystem CO<sub>2</sub> flux measurements in Europe. BIOGEOSCIENCES, 12(20), 6103-6124.  Author URL.
Anderson K, Hancock S, Disney M, Gaston KJ (2015). Is waveform worth it? a comparison of Li<scp>DAR</scp> approaches for vegetation and landscape characterization. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation, 2(1), 5-15. Abstract.
Grand-Clement E, Anderson K, Smith D, Angus M, Luscombe DJ, Gatis N, Bray LS, Brazier RE (2015). New approaches to the restoration of shallow marginal peatlands. Journal of Environmental Management, 161, 417-430. Abstract.
Kosanic A, Anderson K, Frère CH, Harrison S (2015). Regional vegetation change and implications for local conservation: an example from West Cornwall (United Kingdom). Global Ecology and Conservation, 4, 405-413. Abstract.
Rangecroft S, Harrison S, Anderson K (2015). Rock glaciers as water stores in the Bolivian Andes: an assessment of their hydrological importance. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 47(1), 89-98. Abstract.
Luscombe DJ, Anderson K, Gatis N, Grand-Clement E, Brazier RE (2015). Using airborne thermal imaging data to measure near-surface hydrology in upland ecosystems. Hydrological Processes, 29(6), 1656-1668. Abstract.
DeBell L, Anderson K, Brazier RE, Jones L, King N (2015). Water resource management at catchment scales using lightweight UAVs: current capabilities and future perspectives. Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems Abstract.
Hancock S, Armston J, Li Z, Gaulton R, Lewis P, Disney M, Mark Danson F, Strahler A, Schaaf C, Anderson K, et al (2015). Waveform lidar over vegetation: an evaluation of inversion methods for estimating return energy. Remote Sensing of Environment, 164, 208-224. Abstract.
Rangecroft S, Harrison S, Anderson K, Magrath J, Castel AP, Pacheco P (2014). A first rock glacier inventory for the Bolivian Andes. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 25(4), 333-343. Abstract.
Grand-Clement E, Luscombe DJ, Anderson K, Gatis N, Benaud P, Brazier RE (2014). Antecedent conditions control carbon loss and downstream water quality from shallow, damaged peatlands. Science of the Total Environment, 493, 961-973. Abstract.
Crichton KA, Anderson K, Bennie JJ, Milton EJ (2014). Characterizing peatland carbon balance estimates using freely available Landsat ETM+ data. Ecohydrology Abstract.
Croft H, Anderson K, Kuhn NJ (2014). Evaluating the influence of surface soil moisture and soil surface roughness on optical directional reflectance factors. European Journal of Soil Science, 65(4), 605-612. Abstract.
Croft H, Anderson K, Kuhn NJ (2014). Evaluating the influence of surface soil moisture and soil surface roughness on optical directional reflectance factors. European Journal of Soil Science
Kosanic A, Harrison S, Anderson K, Kavcic I (2014). Present and historical climate variability in South West England. Climatic Change, 124(1-2), 221-237. Abstract.
Kosanic A, Harrison S, Anderson K, Kavcic I (2014). Present and historical climate variability in South West England. Climatic Change, 1-17.
Luscombe DJ, Anderson K, Gatis N, Wetherelt A, Grand-Clement E, Brazier RE (2014). What does airborne LiDAR really measure in upland ecosystems?. Ecohydrology Abstract.
Rangecroft S, Harrison S, Anderson K, Magrath J, Castel AP, Pacheco P (2013). Climate change and water resources in arid mountains: an example from the Bolivian Andes. Ambio, 42(7), 852-863. Abstract.  Author URL.
Grand-Clement E, Anderson K, Smith D, Luscombe D, Gatis N, Ross M, Brazier RE (2013). Evaluating ecosystem goods and services after restoration of marginal upland peatlands in South-West England. J Appl Ecol, 50(2), 324-334.  Author URL.
Anderson K, Rossini M, Pacheco-Labrador J, Balzarolo M, MacArthur A, Fava F, Julitta T, Vescovo L (2013). Inter-comparison of hemispherical conical reflectance factors (HCRF) measured with four fibre-based spectrometers. Optics Express, 21(1), 605-617. Abstract.
Anderson K, Gaston KJ (2013). Lightweight unmanned aerial vehicles will revolutionize spatial ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11(3), 138-146. Abstract.
Croft H, Anderson K, Brazier RE, Kuhn NJ (2013). Modeling fine-scale soil surface structure using geostatistics. Water Resources Research, 49(4), 1858-1870. Abstract.
Nettley A, DeSilvey CO, Anderson K, Caseldine C (2013). Visualising sea-level rise at a coastal heritage site: participatory process and creative communication. Landscape Research, 1-11. Abstract.
Anderson K, Croft H, Milton EJ, Kuhn N (2012). A simple spectro-goniometer for collection of multiple view angle reflectance factors. Remote Sensing Letters, 3(2), 131-140.
Croft H, Kuhn N, Anderson K (2012). On the use of remote sensing techniques for monitoring spatio-temporal soil organic carbon dynamics in agricultural systems. Catena, 94, 64-74.
Croft H, Anderson K, Kuhn N (2012). Reflectance anisotropy for measuring soil surface roughness of multiple soil types. Catena, 93, 87-96. Abstract.
Anderson K, Gaston K (2012). Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) will revolutionise spatial ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
Jones RT, Marshall JD, Fisher E, Hatton J, Patrick C, Anderson K, Lang B, Bedford A, Oldfield F (2011). Controls on lake level in the early to mid holocene, hawes water, lancashire, UK. Holocene, 21(7), 1061-1072. Abstract.
Glasser NF, Harrison S, Jansson K, Anderson K, Cowley A (2011). Global sea-level contribution from the Patagonian Icefields since the Little Ice Age maximum. Nature Geoscience, 303-307. Abstract.
Balzarolo M, Anderson K, Nicol C, Rossini M, Vescovo L (2011). Ground-Based Optical Measurements at European Flux Sites: a Review of Methods, Instruments and Current Controversies. Sensors, 11, 7954-7981. Abstract.  Author URL.
Bennie JJ, Anderson K, Wetherelt A (2011). Measuring biodiversity across spatial scales in a raised bog using a novel paired-sample diversity index. Journal of Ecology, 99(2), 482-490. Abstract.
Bennie J, Anderson K, Wetherelt A (2011). Measuring biodiversity across spatial scales in a raised bog using a novel paired-sample diversity index. Journal of Ecology, 99(2), 482-490. Abstract.
Anderson K, Dungan JL, MacArthur A (2011). On the reproducibility of field measured reflectance factors in the context of vegetation studies. Remote Sensing of Environment, 15(8), 1893-1905. Abstract.
Shutler JD, Miller PI, Grant MG, Rushton E, Anderson K (2010). Coccolithophore bloom detection in the north east Atlantic using SeaWiFS: Algorithm description, application and sensitivity analysis. Remote Sensing of Environment, 114(5), 1008-1016. Abstract.
Anderson K, Bennie J, Wetherelt A (2010). Laser scanning of fine scale pattern along a hydrological gradient in a peatland ecosystem. LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, 25(3), 477-492.  Author URL.
Anderson K (2009). Book Review of: "Advances in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences: 2008 ISPRS Congress Book", edited by Z. Li, J. Chen, and E. Baltsavias. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 23(5), 685-686.
Croft H, Anderson K, Kuhn N (2009). Characterizing soil surface roughness using a combined structural and spectral approach. European Journal of Soil Science, 60(3), 431-442. Abstract.
Anderson K, Bennie JJ, Milton EJ, Hughes PDM, Lindsay R, Meade R (2009). Combining LiDAR and IKONOS data for eco-hydrological classification of an ombrotrophic peatland. Journal of Environmental Quality, 39, 1-14. Abstract.
Milton EJ, Schaepman ME, Anderson K, Kneubuehler M, Fox N (2009). Progress in field spectroscopy. REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT, 113, S92-S109.  Author URL.
Anderson K, Croft H (2009). Remote sensing of soil surface properties. Progress in Physical Geography, 33(4), 457-473. Abstract.
Anderson K, Kuhn N (2008). Variations in soil structure and reflectance during a controlled crusting experiment. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29(12), 3457-3475. Abstract.
Anderson K, Milton EJ, Rollin EM (2006). Calibration of dual-beam spectroradiometric data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27(5), 975-986. Abstract.
Anderson K, Milton EJ (2006). On the temporal stability of ground calibration targets: implications for the reproducibility of remote sensing methodologies. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27(16), 3365-3374. Abstract.
Wettle M, Ferrier G, Lawrence AJ, Anderson K (2003). Fourth derivative analysis of Red Sea coral reflectance spectra. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(19), 3867-3872. Abstract.
Anderson K, Milton EJ, Rollin EM (2003). Sources of Uncertainty in Vicarious Calibration: Understanding Calibration Target Reflectance. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 3, 2072-2074. Abstract.


Goodger L, Gatis N, Benaud P, Anderson K, Brazier R (2023). Can thin peats sequester carbon?. Abstract.
Benaud P, Gatis N, Goodger L, Anderson K, Brazier RE (2023). How does peatland restoration alter hydrological function and fluvial carbon exports?. Abstract.
Gatis N, Galstaun L, Luscombe D, Vanguelova E, Hill T, Xenakis G, Wilkinson M, Heard M, Anderson K, Morrison J, et al (2023). How does the potential to sequester carbon via short rotation forestry vary with species?. Abstract.
Fawcett D, Anderson K (2019). Investigating impacts of calibration methodology and irradiance variations on lightweight drone-based sensor derived surface reflectance products. Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XXI. 9th - 12th Sep 2019.
Croft H, Anderson K, Kuhn N (2011). New approaches of monitoring spatio-temporal soil organic carbon dynamics in agricultural systems. European Geophysical Union General Assembly. 3rd - 8th Apr 2011.
Balzarolo M, Pilar-Martin M, Anderson K, Rossini M, Nichol C, Vescovo L (2011). State of art of the ground-based optical measurements at European flux sites: current status and future directions. European Geophysical Union General Assembly. 3rd - 8th Apr 2011.
Nettley A, Anderson K, DeSilvey CO, Caseldine CJ (2011). Using terrestrial laser scanning and LiDAR data for photo-realistic visualisation of climate impacts at heritage sites. 4th ISPRS International Workshop 3D-ARCH 2011 “3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures”. 2nd - 5th Mar 2011. Abstract.
Croft H, Anderson K (2010). A cross-instrument comparison of ASD and Ocean Optics spectroradiometers using laboratory and field experiments. EU COST Action meeting. 28th - 30th Apr 2010.
Anderson K, Bennie JJ, Milton EJ, Hughes P, Lindsay R, Meade R (2010). Classification of Ombrotrophic Peatland Condition using Structural Signatures from Remote Sensing Data. EGU General Assembly. 3rd - 7th May 2010.
Anderson K, Milton EJ, Dungan JL, Odongo V (2010). On the reproducibility of reflectance factors: implications for EO science. Proceedings of the 9th international symposium on spatial accuracy assessment in natural resources and environmental sciences. 20th - 23rd Jul 2010. Abstract.
Anderson K, Milton EJ, Odongo V, Dungan JL (2010). On the reproducibility of reflectance factors: Implications for EO science. Abstract.
Anderson K, Bennie JJ, Wetherelt A (2010). Terrestrial Laser Scanning of Peatland Surface Morphology for Eco-Hydrological Applications. EGU General Assembly. 3rd - 7th May 2010.
Anderson K, Rossini M, Vescovo L (2010). Working group 2. opening talk on standardisation, calibration and validation. EU COST Action meeting. 28th - 30th Apr 2010.
Croft H, Anderson K, Kuhn N (2009). Characterising soil surface roughness using a combined structural and spectral approach. European Geosciences Union conference. 20th - 24th Apr 2009.
Schwanghart W, Kuhn N, Anderson K (2009). Surface roughness variations in time - modelling the effects of precipitation on microtopography. European Geosciences Union conference. 20th - 24th Apr 2009.
Croft H, Anderson K (2008). Characterising fine scale variations in soil surface roughness using directional reflectance factors. Proceedings of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Annual Conference "measuring change in the Earth system" (RSPSoc2008). 15th - 17th Sep 2008.
Croft H, Anderson K (2008). Characterising soil surface condition and carbon vulnerability using spatial statistics and directional reflectance. American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting. 15th - 20th Dec 2008. Abstract.
Croft H, Anderson K (2008). Hyperspectral, in situ directional reflectance measurements for soil degradation monitoring. Proceedings of the British Society for Geomorphology (BSG). 2nd - 4th Jul 2008.
Anderson K, Bennie JJ (2008). LiDAR-derived spatial indicators of peatland eco-hydrological condition. Proceedings of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Annual Conference "measuring change in the Earth system" (RSPSoc2008). 15th - 17th Sep 2008. Abstract.
Anderson K, Bennie JJ (2008). Measuring peatland morphology and eco-hydrological condition with laser scanning and spatial statistics. American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting. 15th - 20th Dec 2008. Abstract.
Anderson K, Dungan JL (2008). Sources of uncertainty in field spectra of vegetation canopies. SpecNet Europe User Group Meeting.
Anderson K, Dungan JL (2008). Uncertainty in field spectra of vegetation canopies. Proceedings of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Annual Conference "measuring change in the Earth system" (RSPSoc2008) - poster prize. 15th - 17th Sep 2008.
Anderson K, Dungan JL (2008). Uncertainty in vegetation products derived from field spectral measurements: an error budget approach. American Geophysical Union (AGU) fall meeting. 15th - 20th Dec 2008. Abstract.
Croft H, Anderson K, Kuhn N (2007). A new operational method for soil degradation monitoring: directional reflectance using an Ocean Optics spectroradiometer. Proceedings of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly Conference 2007.
Anderson K, Kuhn N (2007). Directional anisotropy in hyperspectral reflectance data: applicability for soil degradation monitoring. Proceedings of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly Conference 2007.
Kuhn N, Anderson K (2007). Geostatistical Analysis of near-range soil DEMs. Proceedings of the European Geosciences Union General Assembly Conference 2007.
Anderson K, Milton EJ (2005). Characterisation of the apparent reflectance of a concrete calibration surface over different time scales. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing. 17th - 19th Oct 2005.
Anderson K, Milton EJ (2005). On the stability of Ground Calibration Targets: implications for the repeatability of RS methodologies. 4th EARSeL Workshop on Imaging Spectroscopy, "New Quality in Environmental Studies”. 27th - 29th Apr 2005.
Anderson K, Milton EJ (2005). On the temporal stability of Ground Calibration Targets. European CHRIS-Proba user’s meeting. 21st - 22nd Mar 2005.
Milton EJ, Hughes PD, Anderson K, Schultz J, Lindsay R, Hill CT (2004). Remote sensing condition categories on lowland raised bogs in the UK. Part 1: Development and testing of methods. Proceedings of the Peterborough Remote Sensing Workshop. 30th - 30th Sep 2004.
Anderson K, Milton EJ, Rollin, EM (2003). Sources of Uncertainty in Vicarious Calibration: Understanding Calibration Target Reflectance. Proceedings of the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2003). 1st - 1st Jan 2003.
Anderson K, Milton EJ, Rollin EM (2003). The Temporal Dynamics of Calibration Target Reflectance. Proceedings of the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Annual Conference “Scales and Dynamics in Observing the Environment” (RSPSoc2003). 1st - 1st Sep 2003.


Milton EJ, Hughes, PD, Anderson K, Schultz J, Lindsay R, Kelday SB, Hill CT (2003). Bog Surfaces – Remote Sensing // Report to English Nature. English Nature (now Natural England),  Southampton, UK. GeoData Institute, University of Southampton. 96 pages.

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External Engagement and Impact

I undertake many external activities.

I was a member of the steering committee of the NERC Airborne Research and Survey Facility (ARSF) from 2009 to 2013. I have been on the NERC Peer Review College since 2012. I belong to a network of international collaborators including industrial partners (e.g. South West Water, UK; Exmoor National Park, UK; Agua Sustentable, Bolivia; FoAM Kernow, UK).

Some of my collaborations have been realised through funded EU COST Actions (E.g. ES0103 (‘Eurospec’) and ES1309 (‘Optimise’)), where I have also served on the Management Committee.

Science into policy: In December 2015 I was invited to present to the UK government at the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, in a debate on ‘drones and how to regulate them’ and I have presented my work on BBC television twice in the past five years. Most recently, I presented at the BBC's 'Click Live' technology show held at BBC Television Centre in London.

I am also:

There is a short video about my research and teaching available here.

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  • Remote sensing
  • Drone methodologies
  • Environmental science



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Supervision / Group

Postdoctoral researchers

  • Andrew Cunliffe
  • Naomi Gatis
  • Emilie Grand-Clement
  • David Luscombe

Postgraduate researchers

  • Jonathan Crocker
  • Leon Debell
  • James Duffy
  • Nicola Ellis
  • Dominic Fawcett
  • Joel Forsmoo
  • Martin Goodall
  • Hugh Graham
  • Darren Jones
  • Israa Kadhim

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Office Hours:

Due to timetabling this term, my office hours will vary from week to week. 

You can easily look at my availability and book a slot to meet me online through my booking page. Typically office hours will be via Teams. If you require a face-to-face meeting please contact me separately.

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